Inside: Our Top Board Games for the new year.
I think it is clear that we are HUGE fans of board games around here. From family game nights, learning new skills, and figuring out the best strategy, we love having fun. There is something so special about gathering friends and family around for good laughs and great times.
I truly feel like I couldn’t have done this year without the regular game nights that kept us laughing through the hard days. I can safely say I think we played every board game on the market. We didn’t just have one game night a week, we had SEVERAL.
This is why I feel like I can confidently say that we have put together a list of the top board games, full of more fun, happier times, and great days.
So kick off a new year with a great time! Here are our favorite ways to play!
Table of Contents
Game Night Favorites
Code Names: Code Name is a very enjoyable game that requires communication and the ability to make some unusual connections. This is a great game of reasoning and lateral thinking.
Ticket to Ride: In Ticket to Ride the goal is to build the longest railway course. Players choose destination tickets and try to build a railway connecting those cities while attempting to block the routes that their opponents appear to be creating. If you’re just not up for another loud, wild game this is a good choice.
Settlers of Catan: This board game is great for strategy- but there’s an element of bartering and trading that other games don’t have that is super fun. Collecting cards, building roads and settlements and talking your opponents into giving you something they have and you want.
5 Second Rule: If you’re looking for a great family board game that everyone will enjoy – The five Second Rule is it! Often the best games are simple games and this game couldn’t be easier to play. All you have to do is name 3 things from a chosen card in 5 seconds. That’s it.
Our Favorite Board Game Ideas
Top Family Board Games for 2021: Family game night is my favorite night around here. It is full of friendly, sometimes intense, competition, lots of laughing, and great memories! Finding the right game for our beloved family game night can sometimes be a challenge. As the kids get older it becomes easier and easier to find a board game that we can all enjoy!
Giant Board Game Ideas: Board games are one of my favorite ways to celebrate a family game night or a long weekend. Something about all of us gathering around for some healthy competition! Now the weather is getting warmer it is a great time to take that fun outside, which is why I LOVE these fun Giant Board Games.
Creative Wooden Board Game Ideas: If it isn’t obvious by now, we love games around here. We firmly believe that gathering around a board game can bring anyone together, which is why I make sure to always have a game out and ready to play. One of my favorite types of board games to keep out is a stylish wooden board game. They fit in perfectly and make it easy for a game at any time. Check out our favorite wooden board games that everyone will enjoy!
DIY Board Games: Getting tired of the same old board games? Why not make your own? Several clever DIY games can be made with stuff you have in junk drawers or otherwise hanging around the house. Others come together as quickly as you can print a template. Liven up your game night with these awesome DIY Board Game Ideas.
Top Board Games for 2021 to Buy
Our Favorite Target Board Games: Oh Target, it’s no wonder it’s one of the happiest places on Earth. I mean from the decor, clothes, and games they truly have it all! When I am planning a party with my family or friends, Target is the first stop on my list! I can get everything I need to have one heck of a bash. One of my most favorite party items is their HUGE selection of games. They have everything from board games, card games, kids games, and more! Here is a list of my favorite target party games for your next celebration.
Best Walmart Board Games: Scrap the binge-watching Netflix nights and turn off the electronics, it’s time to pull out a stack of the best board games and throw yourself one heck of a game night! We love a good game night, whether its a game night with the kids, our adult friends, or as a family these very best Walmart Board Games make for one FUN game night full of laughs and fun.
Amazon Board Game: Ditch the TV and let the games begin! We love a good game night, whether its a game night with the kids, our adult friends, or as a family this list of 25 Best Amazon Board Games make for one FUN game night full of laughs and fun. Now I cannot promise there won’t be a little friendly funding but don’t worry it won’t last long!
Top Board Games for Kids
Easy Board Games for 3-Year-Olds: I love a fun game night! Everything about it, the fun, giggles, and a little friendly competition. Games are my favorite form of entertainment, for rainy day stay ins or even when mama needs a few moments to relax, I LOVE setting the kids up around a fun board game to play. Check out this great compilation of the best board games for 3-year-old! Keeping those little hands busy and hearts happy is really the goal, am I right?
Board Games for 4-Year-Olds: One of our favorite ways to practice numbers, shapes, cooperative skills, and recognition is by learning from fun. I mean who doesn’t love playing games? But add a lesson into that fun and you have a winner for all. These learning fun board games for 4-year-olds are a great way to start teaching basic skills they will need. You and your little one can have the most fun together.
Game Ideas for 5-Year-Olds: We have put together the BEST board games for 5-year-olds to play during your family game night. Most all of the games are ones that anyone in the family can play and have just as much fun. A few of these games are great for helping your kiddos learn great skills while having fun! Enjoy!
Board Games for Learning
Best PreSchool Board Games for Learning: Whether they incorporate cards, dice, boards, spinners, or even an adorable cardboard monster and an oversized spoon, games have a host of benefits for young children. Games help children develop academic, spatial, and critical thinking skills. By playing with peers, kids practice social-emotional skills like cooperating, taking turns, and winning or losing gracefully. Plus, playing games is fun! These Learning Preschool Board Games are full of fun and learning, check out our favorites below.
Best Math Board Games: Thousands of people across the world struggle with math. Learning with pencil and paper is no fun and the numbers just don’t make sense. But one easy way to ease the struggle is to introduce them to educational math games. No longer is math boring and dull but full of excitement and strategy. Sharpen your skills and brain when you use a different approach to make your kids understand and fall in love with math. These are the Best Math Board games that are perfect for learning and having fun!
Top Board Games for Teens + Adults
Games for Teens: As our kids get older, connecting with them can become more difficult. However, sometimes we forget, that teenagers are still kids. They still like to play and have fun. One of my favorite ways to connect with my teen is by playing some fun games I know they will love. Whether it’s family game night or the kids and their friends are having a fun night in these board games for teens will be a total hit!
Blitzed Drinking Board Game: We have the games, just add drinks and have fun! BOYB and get ready for one fun game night! I love game nights, but when you add a fun ADULT twist then I REALLY love game night! We have played so many different games, but these drinking games are probably some of my very favorites. They combine all different types of games while enjoying a cold one with your best buds.
Top Strategy Board Games
Top Cooperative Board Games: When it comes to planning a great game night, coop board games are one of our favorites to play. They require strategy, alliances, and a great group of players. This fun list contains some truly excellent co-op board games, which aren’t just great cooperative experiences but make for a fantastic time in general. Good cooperative board games provide plenty of opportunities for players to band together against some great threat or combine their intellects to create the best strategies.
Board Games for Two People: Board games are the perfect reason to set aside your phone and really enjoy someone else’s company. For me, board games is really how my husband and I really connected when we first met each other. To this day, after knowing each other for 10 years we play a board game at least 4 nights a week. I know it sounds excessive but we LOVE games, clearly. But we really love playing games together, part of it is because we love competing against each other but the other is just because we love spending time with one another.
Baseball Games: Baseball is the All-American game, combine that with the classic board game and you have the best combo! These super fun baseball board games are perfect for those family game nights, or even on those rainy days the boys can still play baseball! Check out our favorite home run worthy baseball board games.
Tips for Organizing Board Games
Before we get started, with loads of new favorite games you are going to need to think about how you are going to store and keep all these pieces organized. Lucky for you we have done all the thinking. Check out our favorite tips for organizing games.
- Use baskets or bins to group small games together. This is perfect for decks of cards, smaller games, and more so that you are not looking everywhere when you want to play.
- Use Ziploc bags for game pieces, puzzle pieces, and more. This will easily fit inside the game boxes and you won’t have to worry about losing these small pieces.
- Go through each game before you start organizing, get rid of any games missing any pieces. Also, make sure each game has all its pieces, and plan out storage containers, boxes, and bags.
Find more amazing game storage ideas here!