Inside: The Best Learning Preschool Board Games. 

Whether they incorporate cards, dice, boards, spinners, or even an adorable cardboard monster and an oversized spoon, games have a host of benefits for young children. Games help children develop academic, spatial, and critical thinking skills.

By playing with peers, kids practice social-emotional skills like cooperating, taking turns, and winning or losing gracefully. Plus, playing games is fun! These Learning Preschool Board Games are full of fun and learning, check out our favorites below.

Counting Preschool Board Games

The Best Preschool Board Games

Color Go Fish!: This classic game is a childhood staple, and these cards are easy on little hands and eyes.

Taro Gomi’s Funny Fish Go Fish Card Game: Once your students understand the premise of “Go Fish,” treat them to this adorably imaginative version from a favorite illustrator. They’ll love making pairs of “Strawberry Fish,” “Scribble Octopus,” “Lobsterbots” and more.

Shopping List Memory Game: Children race to be the first to fill their shopping baskets with the items on their lists. The board is simple and uncluttered and the picture-and-word shopping lists encourage the development of concepts about print.

Zingo – Bingo with a Zing Game: Sliding the card dispenser has a similar appeal to spinning a bingo cage. Zingo supports vocabulary development and print awareness as well as focus—you have to be watching to call out and snag your picture first! Spanish, sight word, number, and word building versions are also available.

Counting Preschool Board Games

Pre-School Picture Dominoes: Dominoes is a versatile and timeless game for all ages. This preschool set is beautiful and the pictures support matching and counting.

Heads Talk Tails Walk: In this matching game with a twist, the fun comes when you turn over cards that don’t match! When this happens, players must move like the animal body card and make the sound of the animal head card. Stomping like an elephant while clucking like a chicken is hilarious when you’re a preschooler—or a preschool teacher!

Cat in the Hat I Can Do That! Game: Build language and print concepts while moving and laughing! Players draw three cards and complete the direction they create using themed items from Dr. Seuss’s classic book. One of my favorite learning preschool board games!

Colorama: Players roll two die to get a color and a shape and must locate a matching spot on the board. There are multiple levels of play for different groups.

Learning Games

Preschool Bible Game Ideas

We love these sweet bible preschool board game ideas

A Chair for a Crown: Children play musical chairs for a chance to discover how special they are to Jesus and how much He loves them.

All Our Love: We love this printable preschool board game. The children will play a memory game as a reminder that God deserves all our love, for He is jealous when we love other things more than Him.

Beanbag Fairness: In this free Sunday school game, children have fun earning points as they learn about fairness.

Colors of the Rainbow: A colorful Sunday school game that will have the kids scrambling for a seat on Noah’s Ark.

Counting Preschool Board Games

 Math For Love Tiny Polka Dot: Here’s a year’s worth of Math Center activities for you in one cute and tiny box. Sturdy and visually-pleasing cards offer tons of possibilities for building number sense; students can use them to count, match amounts, compare, subitize, and more.

Frog Party:The best part of this game is the built-in encouragement of different counting strategies: players can use lily pad counters, a number line, or the game board itself to combine two amounts to five and move their frogs towards the party.

Counting Games

Candy Land: This classic game might make adults groan, but we still consider it one of the best board games for preschoolers. Why? Kids can take it out, set it up, and play it by themselves. Cooperation and independence for the win!

Rat-A-Tat-Cat: The goal of the game is to have the lowest score when someone calls “Rat-a-tat-cat!” This game builds number sense and teaches the concept of zero. If you’d like to encourage conversations about numbers, opt to have the students play with their cards turned up and visible.

Preschool Lotto: This Memory-Bingo combo is perfect for a classroom small group. Each player tries to turn over cards to match a themed board. Players also must watch to see if someone else turns over cards they need and remember where to find them.

Counting Preschool Board Games

More Fun Games for Younger Kids that You’ll Love

  • Printable Word Games for Kids – Word games are among our family’s favorites. They’re fun and versatile. Different ages can play, to the best of their abilities. And they can be played pretty much anywhere, at home or on the go. I love using word games to learn sight words, spelling, and playing on a great theme! We have put together the perfect list of printable word games for kids. They are filled with colorful themes and creative learning fun. Find your favorite and play for hours.
  • Minute to Win It Games for Kids – I love a good game night, obviously! 🙂 But we have really been into Minute to Win it style game lately. They are fun quick-paced and usually provide LOTS of laughs! These games keep everyone on their toes, and no one gets bored! I usually love playing these games with a large group, recently my kiddos had some friends over and I thought that would be the perfect time to pull of these fun Minute to Win It games for kids. They are all easy to play, pretty inexpensive to prep and are SO much fun!
  • Best Walmart Board Games – Scrap the binge-watching Netflix nights and turn off the electronics, it’s time to pull out a stack of the best board games and throw yourself one heck of a game night! We love a good game night, whether its a game night with the kids, our adult friends, or as a family these very best Walmart Board Games make for one FUN game night full of laughs and fun.