Inside: The Best Board Games for 5-Year-Olds

Game nights are the best nights, I 100% believe that! But with little ones family game night can be tough, some games are too complex, take too much strategy, or are just inappropriate for the little ones of the family.

That is why we have put together the BEST board games for 5-year-olds to play during your family game night.

Most all of the games are ones that anyone in the family can play and have just as much fun. A few of these games are great for helping your kiddos learn great skills while having fun! Enjoy!

Best Board Games for 5-Year-Olds

The Best Board Games for 5-Year-Olds

The Lady Bug Game: This game involves kids trying to get their Ladybug pieces across the board to safety while avoiding the Praying Mantis and collecting aphids for the ants.

Candy Land: This classic board game is exciting to play for kids which have been created with an incredibly vibrant design. Each player has to try and get their counter to the castle in order to win. The set comes with 4 pawns, a game board, and a set of instructions.

Kids Games

Chutes and Ladders: Do you remember playing Chutes and Ladders when you were a kid? I love this board game for 5-year-olds! It’s a great classic beginner board game that everyone in the family can enjoy!

The Floor is Lava: The Floor is Lava is a super fun game that also encourages children to be more active. It gives them the chance to turn the ground into pretending lava and they have to leap in order to avoid it.

Disneys Eye Found It: Search for your favorite Disney characters and win! I love this fun board game, one of my favorite things about it is how big it is! It’s 6-foot long!

Board Games that Kids will Love

Sequence for Kids: This game involves a lot of strategies! It’s a great way for your 5 yr old child to learn while having fun by developing their logical thinking skills. Plus, since it’s a group game, you can be sure that their teamwork abilities will be able to improve too.

Headbandz Junior: This HedBanz Jr. Family games are a ton of fun for kids to play in groups of 2-4 people. It involves picking out one of the animal cards and asking a range of questions about what animal you are that people can only answer with “yes” or “no”. We liked how there are clue cards available to help out kids who may be struggling.

Games for 5 year olds

Trouble: Classic Trouble involves each player trying to get all 4 of their pegs around the board until they reach the finish. This is achieved by pressing the popper die and seeing how many spaces you can move your pegs. As a result, you can expect your child’s basic counting abilities to develop well.

Monopoly Junior: This Junior version of Monopoly is an ideal educational game for a 5-year-old. It lets to learn the concepts of the traditional Monopoly, which include financial skills and counting of money. We liked how they’ve redesigned the player pieces to be more exciting for kids.

KerPlunk: This was one of my all-time favorite games growing up! It involves taking out the sticks from the tube structure while dropping the least number of marbles as you possibly can. This is a fun game which is also great for your child’s motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

5-Year-Olds Will Love these Games

Mermaid Island: This game is awesome for your child’s social skills. We were impressed with how it involves all the players working together in order to get the Mermaids to safety.

Perfection: Time is ticking — beat the clock before the pieces pop! I love this board game for 5-year-olds, it is fun, exciting, and is great for their fine motor skills!

OutFoxed: This game is like Clue but for younger kids – and yet still fun for adults too. A fox stole a pot pie, and you have to figure out which fox it was before they escape into the foxhole.

Skip-Bo Junior: This fast-moving game is easy to learn and easy to play, plus it helps develop your child’s number sense. My kids will happily sit and play several rounds of this in a row!

Games for Kids

More Games You Will Love

If your kiddos love those board games they will love these too! Check out a few more of our favorite board games for even the youngest of players!

  • Fun Reading Games for New Readers – New readers can be “challenging,” to say it nicely, but it can also be a fun and exciting time to help those little brains grow and learn. Make learning to read fun with these fun reading games for new readers. They are full of exciting activities and great learning techniques to ensure those kiddos learn the best way possible!
  • Minute to Win It Games for Kids – These games keep everyone on their toes, and no one gets bored! I usually love playing these games with a large group, recently my kiddos had some friends over and I thought that would be the perfect time to pull of these fun Minute to Win It games for kids.

Let us know in the comments your favorite of these board games for 5-year-olds!