Baby sprinkles are a great way to welcome the newest little one on the way into your family in a low-key way. These adorably cute sprinkle party games will have your guests smiling and laughing throughout the whole party without making a major fuss.

It is always so exciting getting ready to welcome a new baby into the world. However, the party and celebration don’t always need to be as big when it isn’t your first child. Chances are you already have lots of items a brand-new mom would need, so there isn’t a need for full-on baby shower game planning

That’s where the sprinkle comes into play.

Collage with baby sprinkle themed pictures.

Think of your sprinkle as a baby shower, just downsized. While the party may be at a minimum, the games and activities are not. I always love to find games that everyone can get involved with at the party. 

Some of my favorite games to play during a sprinkle include printables & baby shower minute-to-win-it games. The printables are super accessible, and the minute to win it games let everyone get in on the action.

Pro planning tip: Look for games that only require one hand. This way guests don’t have to set down their drink in order to play.

If you are looking for ideas of what to do at your sprinkle, you’ve come to the right place. These sprinkle games will make your low-key bash feel like a full-on celebration.

Get The Sprinkle Started With Printable Games 

A sprinkle wouldn’t be complete without some quality entertainment. Keep your guest occupied and smiling with printable games during the sprinkle. The clever games will have everyone thinking and working together to have a memorable time. 

If you are looking for ideas for what games to play, these printables are a great place to start. They are quality fun, easy to set up and make for a great afternoon of excitement. 

1. Classic Trivia 

Put your baby skills to the test and see who knows the most about the ins and outs of little ones with a classic game of trivia

2. Family Feud 

Think you know the answers? Put your skills to the test and see if you are on the same page as the guests at the part with baby Family Feud

3. True or False?

Think you know right from wrong? See your skills at work with this true-or-false baby sprinkle game

4. Mom v. Dad

This printable sprinkle game puts mom and dad on the head-to-head. 

5. Arrival Date

If you get this one right, you might just think about buying a lotto ticket! See if you can guess the arrival date of the baby

6. Get Talking

Get to know guests at the party with this game of “find the guest.” It will be a great icebreaker for those who may not know others at the party. 

7. Baby Bingo 

Just because this is a sprinkle, doesn’t mean some gifts will be given out. As the gifts are opened, check them off on your bingo card

8. Emoji Test

Ditch the pregnancy brain and decode to emoji puzzles to find out all of the answers. 

9. Find The Baby 

Scatter these scratch-offs around the table and see who is the lucky one to find the baby. 

11. Wishes 

Send the baby all the best and write down your wishes for the little one to be. 

12. Purse Bingo 

Be proud of your Mary Poppins bag and see what you can check out the list. It’s the one time all the random items are super handy. 

13. Bump or Bum?

It is a baby bump or perhaps just a bum? See how many you can guess in this laugh-out-loud game. 

14. Word Scramble 

Keep it simple with an enjoyable word scramble to do while everyone chats at the table. 

15. Endless Apps 

Pull out your phone and count up your apps. Whoever has the most points at the end wins. 

16. Baby Photos 

It will be hard not to say “aww” during each round. Check out the baby photos and see if you can figure out how old everyone is in the pictures.

17. The Price Is Right 

Think you know the price of diapers? What about the formula? Put your guessing skills to the test in this sprinkled version of The Price Is Right

18. Family Traditions 

Pass on your favorite family traditions with the new baby and share some of your favorites from childhood. 

19. A Sweet Test 

Resses? Snickers? Pull out your best guess and see what melted candy bar is sitting in the diaper. 

20. Don’t Say Baby 

The party might be all about the baby-to-be, but that doesn’t mean you can say the word. In this game, try and avoid saying the word baby. 

21. Tips Galore 

Share your favorite parenting tips you’ve learned along the way for the mom-to-be. 

A women at a baby shower with people touching her belly.

Minute To Win It Style Sprinkle Games

22. Baby Change 

Put the basic skills to the test and see who can dress a doll or stuffed animal the fastest. That includes a diaper change and all! 

23. Toilet Run 

Press a few pennies between your legs and run to the other side of the room to drop them in a jar. The team with the most change at the end takes the pot. 

24. Suck It Up 

This will be great practice for when your baby has a cold. Use a baby nose aspirator to see how many mini marshmallows you can pick up and place in a bottle. 

25. Match The Socks

For being so small, babies have a ton of socks. See how fast you can match all of the pairs. 

26. Feed The Baby 

In this game, the baby is another guest at the party and is in for a wild ride. Find a partner and blindfold one person in the pair. Then, using a baby spoon, see if you can get the food in their mouth. It will require some great hand-eye coordination skills. 

27. Pacifier Bobbing 

Like bobbing for apples, but with pacifiers. 

28. Diaper Stack 

Use your skills to balance all of the diapers sky-high. Whoever has the highest pile of diapers wins. 

29. Wipe It All Up 

Similar to the tissue box minute to win it, this one switches out the tissues for a box of wipes. See if you can get them all out in one minute. 

30. Ice Ice Baby 

Before the party, use an ice cube tray to freeze small plastic baby figurines. Then, pass out the frozen cubes and see who can get the baby out first. 

31. Blindfold Diaper Change 

This one is pretty much what it sounds like. Place a blindfold on and see who can get the diaper on correctly in under a minute. 

32. Supermom 

See if you can get through a fake diaper change and fold some laundry with a phone to your ear. 

Baby shower themed cookies and a pregnant women opening presents.

Funny Sprinkle Activities That Will Have You Laughing 

33. Place The Baby On The Mommy 

Like the pin the tail on the donkey, but sprinkle-themed. 

34. Bottle Chugging Contest 

This is way different from the beer-chugging college days. 

35. Pacifier Grab 

Place a bunch of pacifiers on the table and give each participant a chopstick. Each player must use the chopstick in their mouth to pick up as many pacifiers as possible. 

36. Pregnancy Belly 

Blow up a bunch of balloons of different sizes and see how many you can fit under your shirt. The person with the most wins! 

37. Don’t Wake The Baby 

Guests must walk through an obstacle course without making a peep! The catch? There’s a rattle attached to their leg. 

38. Partner Diaper Change 

Two players must tie their hands together and try to attempt a diaper change. 

39. Find The Babies 

Before your guests arrive, hide little plastic babies around the house or venue. At the end of the party, see which guest found the most. 

40. Hot Baby 

Like hot potato, but with a baby doll. 

41. Baby Food Tasting

Split into teams of two with one eater and one writer. Then, blindfold one person and have them taste test all the baby food. Swap with the writer when all the foods tasted and see who got the most correct. 

42. Baby Relay 

There’s a lot to getting a baby out the door. Split into teams and give each person a task to get the baby out and going. First team ready takes the prize. 

43. Guess The Celebrity 

Line up pictures of celebrities when they were babies and see who you guess. 

Collage of baby-themed pictures.

44. Baby-Themed Charades 

Charades is always a fun party game. Switch it up and make all of the categories baby-themed. 

45. Baby Pictionary 

Just like charades, pictionary is a classic. Split into teams and go for baby-themed pictures. 

46. Onesie Fashion 

Give everyone a blank onesie and let them decorate it with a fashionable touch. 

47. Tie Your Shoe 

Let’s be real, even tying your shoes while pregnant can be a challenge. Make it a game and see who can get through tying each shoe the fastest. Replacate the pregnant belly with a balloon up your shirt. 


What type of guests are these games for?

These games work for all types of guests. They are great for sprinkles with kids, that are co-ed, or just friends of the mom-to-be. 

What kind of supplies will I need to play these sprinkle-themed games?

Basic supplies like pens, pencils, and paper will be good to have around. For the baby games, think of having:

  • Diapers
  • Dolls – these mini baby ones are perfect for games
  • chopsticks
  • Pacifiers
  • Baby food
  • Safety pins
  • and baby clothes around. 

These sprinkle games are a great way to celebrate the little one and mom-to-be. The printables are great activities to scatter around the table during the party to get the excitement going. I love to save some of the minute to win it style games toward the end of the party to keep the fun going until the end. 

I am so excited to pass along these sprinkle party games and ideas to all my friends who are expecting. Seeing how they all play out in person will be so exciting. 

P.S. If you thought these games sounded like a good idea, check out more of our printables and minute-to-win-it-style games