Inside: 9 Super Fun Free Printable What’s In Your Purse Games.

What’s in your purse game is the perfect game to play at a bridal shower, bachelorette party, or even a baby shower! They’re super interactive and require zero set up. All you need is a printer and your purse!

While you can buy some of what’s in your purse games from online shops, there are plenty of free options out there that allow you to simply download a PDF and then print it out.

These games are super interactive and can be a ton of fun. 

9 free printable what's in your purse games

If you’re planning a shower or party of some sort, you already know how stressful it is getting everything in line, so allow this game to provide you with a stress free addition to your function!

We will walk you through our 9 favorite free printable What’s In Your Purse games that are sure to provide your party with some simple fun and competition.

Free Printable What’s In Your Purse Activity

I love when games are played at bridal/baby showers! It can be a kind of awkward experience if you don’t know anyone else there besides the bride or mommy-to-be, but games always exude a sense of camaraderie that allow you to strike up conversations with everyone at your table whether you know them or not!

What's in your purse games PDF free printable

  1. Keep It Simple: This format keeps it simple with only 4 categories. This is a typical What’s In Your Purse game with nothing too out of the ordinary. These items can be found in the purses of almost every grown woman, so it all comes down to who has the most! 
  2. Add More Categories: With a ton of categories and some very uncommon items, this What’s In Your Purse game is guaranteed to start up conversations (such as: “OMG! You carry that around with you?!”) and hopefully make your guests laugh just a bit. With random items like a single playing card, a sewing kit, a hammer, and even a handgun, this version of the game will absolutely shake things up at your party.
  3. This Aesthetically Pleasing One: The delicate, green format of this What’s In Your Purse game, is the perfect addition to any bridal party! I like this one because one of the items that counts for points is having a photo of the bride-to-be in your purse, which is also a super cute asset. I also find it funny that in the middle category (out of 3) asks if you have a library card in your purse, which is comical because who carries those around anymore?!
  4. Let’s Get Specific: This one gets super detailed and specific, asking if you have items such as a picture of your Mother-in-law or something that glows in the dark. I love when these What’s In Your Purse games include items that are most definitely not common at all because then it just makes it that much more fun! It goes from completely normal things like lipstick and gum to somebody else’s spare key or more than 20 pennies! How funny would it be to see your guests dumping out all their spare change and counting to see if they have more than 20 pennies? I’m chuckling just picturing it!

Free What’s In Your Purse Game Printables

Free printable games -what's in your purse

A good tip for the events you typically play this game at is to have little gifts to hand out! A small bottle of lotion or a candle or even a gift card to a makeup store or coffee shop are all great options that we as women love to receive! Also keep in mind that you may have more than one winner due to multiple players tying, so definitely prepare for that outcome!

  1. Bridal Shower What’s In Your Purse: I love how chaotic this one is. It has so many categories and point variations, and it’s really anyone’s game! The items on it are so specific that it may be easier to win than a game that is more vague. Expose your guests by asking who came to the event with a mini bottle of alcohol tucked away in their purse. I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll definitely be making friends with whoever did!
  2. Perfect For Girls Night Out: The adorable purse format of this What’s In Your Purse game is the optimal option for a bachelorette party or bridal party! Definitely spices things up since it asks if you have a drink koozie stuffed in your purse somewhere. It’s also a great way to verify that everyone has their ID on them since the first item it asks for is a driver’s license, you definitely don’t want to hit the town without a way to get into all the fun places! 
  3. For A Gender Reveal: The pink and blue accents of this layout would make it the perfect game to play at your gender reveal or baby shower! It is also kind of geared more towards moms since it asks if you have baby wipes or a kids toy in your bag! But no worries, it appeals to those without children as well, so it will be a great game for everyone to play and have a chance of winning.
  4. Fun What’s In Your Purse Game: Not only is the layout and aesthetic of this one so cute, but the items they ask if you have on you are hilarious as well! My personal favorite is asking if you have a traffic ticket on you, how funny would that be! I would love to see how big of a bag the person who wins is carrying around with them because some of these items are pretty large and definitely really random to have on you at all times!
  5. The Perfect What’s In Your Purse Game For A Bridal Shower: I love the design of this one! The pink background with the little flowers is so adorable and appropriate for a bridal shower. I also think it’s hilarious how items like ketchup, underwear, and a calculator are all on here. If you weren’t friendly with the person you were sitting next to at first, I’m sure after playing this game you will be!

More Fun Game Ideas You’ll Love

  • The Prettiest Flower Theme Party Ideas – This is the perfect theme for any party you’re throwing in the spring or summer months. Nothing says fresh air, blue skies, and good temperature like having flowers spread across your entire event! This guide will walk you through how to incorporate fake flowers or real flowers into your party as cake toppers, placement settings, and other adorable decorations! And the best part is that this theme is usable for absolutely any age!
  • Virtual Party Games – With the world as it is right now, you might not have an office to play games at for a staff party. But have no fear! We have taken these new circumstances into account and compiled a list of a ton of different, fun games you can play with your whole team all from the comfort of your home! All you need is good wifi and a good attitude and the rest will fall into place. If our new normal includes virtual parties, we might as well add some virtual games to our repertoire to be prepared.
  • Printable Ice Breaker Games– I cannot get enough of these printable games! They are truly so practical and so simple to organize that you’ll never want to go through the hassle of setting up your own ever again. This list consists of 15 ice breaker games that will cost you no money or time because they’re all printable and ready to go as soon as your printer spits them out! These games are perfect for any event you host as they’re all ice breakers to get the party started and get everyone acquainted so you can continue to have a good time all night.

PS. My favorite bridal shower ideas for games and fun