Inside: Say “I DO” to these Fun Wedding Games.

It can be tricky to know how to entertain your wedding guests, particularly if your big day starts early in the morning. If you’re looking for ways to make your wedding party unforgettable, you’ll not only need a killer wedding playlist, fabulous décor, and delicious food but a couple of fun wedding games too.

Wedding Games

Wedding games are becoming more and more popular, especially at outdoor weddings or weddings where lots of children are in attendance. What better than a giant game of Jenga to add to your festival wedding vibe? If your day is being held inside, you might like to play one or two of our favorite wedding table games instead – they’re a great way to get everyone chatting.

Here, we’ve rounded up our favorite fun wedding games for your wedding reception which your guests will absolutely love to get involved in.

Unique Wedding Games for Guests

Outdoor Games:  If you’re having a wedding outdoors with lots of space, consider setting up some classic lawn games for guests to take part in.  Games could include ring toss, horseshoes, giant Jenga, sack races/3-legged races, or even a pickup football game!

Arcade Games: For the game-loving couple, feature some of your go-to arcade games that adults and kids alike are sure to love.

Games for Guests

Donut Bobbing: As if we needed another excuse to eat doughnuts! This outdoor wedding game is both delicious and fun. Tie each doughnut on a string and hang from a tree. Your guests then need to keep their hands behind their backs and use their mouths to retrieve the doughnut (and eat it afterward, of course).

Giant Word Search: If you’re all for a bit of wedding DIY, transform a chalkboard into a word search that your guests can try their hand at all day long. Write the letters in permanent paint and provide chalks only for circling words on the day.

Include names of people in the wedding party, names of places you’ve travelled to together and details about yourselves for your guests to find. Top marks for whoever finds the most words in the quickest time!

Get the Couple Kissing – Wedding Kissing Games

Hula Hoop Challenge: Guests have to successfully use a hula hoop to get you to kiss. To make it more interested set different types of kisses to different ways of using the hula hoop.

Bride & Groom Trivia: Mc has questions and you have to get the answer right (about the couple) to get them to kiss.

Wedding Kissing Game

Copy the Kiss: Couples must kiss and the newlyweds will have to copy the kiss.  This often brings out some more elaborate kisses that guests really enjoy.

Leave it to Chance!:  Have dice and create a rule about what number(s) means you have to kiss.  You could even use your wedding date (for example, if you were getting married on May 6th, you would kiss if a 5 or 6 were rolled).  If the roller doesn’t land on the designated number(s), he/she would have to kiss someone.

Let’s Party! – Wedding Reception Game Ideas

Build with Legos:  Have lego blocks on the table and you have to build with the pieces – come up and share what you made.

The Shoe Game: In this game, the couple sits back to back and exchange one shoe each so they are each holding one of their own shoes and one of their partner’s shoes.  The game host will read out a series of questions such as, “Who is the better cook?” and the couple will have to decide (by raising the shoe of the person they pick) without seeing who the other person has chosen.  This game often gets lots of laughs and is enjoyed by both the guests and the couple.

Fun Wedding Game

Suggestions: Give your guests a chance to impart their wisdom by inviting them to leave your date ideas, marriage advice, or letters to open on your future anniversaries.

Wedding Guest Bingo: This game is the perfect ice breaker.  Makeup bingo cards that have fun facts about some of your guests instead of the usual letters and numbers.  Guests must collect the signature of each of the people with the fun facts in order to score Bingo!

Mad Libs: This party classic is an easy item to leave on the tables.  You can make a custom Mad Libs about the bride and groom that will be fun for the guests to fill out and even more fun for the couple to read later.

Toss the Confetti

What better way to end a big bash and a wedding full of games than with a fun confetti send off! As a final fun leaving wedding game treat your guests with these super colorful, biodegradable, and totally festive confetti poppers. Line up your guests for a final goodbye and big hooray as you leave your reception, say I DO, or during your first kiss.

More Great Game Ideas You’ll Love to Play

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  • Boozed Up Drinking Games –  Oh we have all had “ONE OF THOSE” nights. You know what kind of night I’m talking about, the ones where it just seems like you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Surrounded by friends, laughing all night, cheering to the best days of your life. Those sweet, sweet nights. I love night like that. These boozed-up party drinking games are the perfect way to celebrate the best nights of your life.