Inside: How to Plan a Virtual Party Game Night.
These are strange times we’re living in, y’all. Fortunately, technology is awesome, so staying physically isolated doesn’t necessarily mean staying socially isolated. One of my personal favorite virtual hangout ideas is a virtual game night. We’ve done several over the past few weeks, and they’re an absolute blast. Even better, they’re super easy to plan and host. Check out our favorite virtual party games to play!
Table of Contents
How to Plan a Virtual Party Game Night
1. Set a Time and Date: The cardinal rule of how to host a virtual game night is that you’ve got to designate a set day and time. Everyone needs to commit and agree, and invites should be sent out confirming the details shortly after you plan it. Trust me, if it’s a loose window or time block, it’ll never happen. Also, send out a reminder the day-of with a link to the video chat, otherwise participants might forget entirely.
2. Video Chat: First thing’s first, if you’re hosting, you’ll need a strong internet connection. You’ll also need to know which video chat service you’re planning to use. Some of the most popular options are FaceTime, Google Duo, Google Hangouts, Skype, and Zoom.
3. Choose a Theme: Just because your game night is virtual doesn’t mean it can’t be themed! To make it feel like you’re really hanging out, coordinate snacks and beverages!
4. Play Some Games: You can choose the games yourself or ask guests for their suggestions. Either way, you should decide before your virtual game night. The main reason I say that is because it’s harder than you think to find games that work via video chat. For example, Kyle’s cousin suggested playing Ticket to Ride, and we all got super pumped about it. When we tried to work out the logistics, though, it just didn’t make sense. We’d potentially have duplicate cards and be pulling from different piles. So, you may need to make test drive your games to make sure they’re all virtual game night-friendly.
Virtual Party Games
What’s in Your Room: This is a play on the traditional shower game “What’s in your Purse” where you assign a point value to some of the most common to most random items a person can have on them. For a virtual party game, you can ask all of your guests to attend from one particular room in their house and call out items for them to find nearby. For example, if the virtual party is taking place in the living room, you can task your guests with finding a set of keys for 1 point, a candle for 3 points, and something random such as a pair of tweezers for 5 points.
Truth or Dare: Same ole game we know and love. Tried and True.
Read My Lips: This is actually an ideal game for a virtual party. The idea is just like it sounds. One person mouths a phrase and the other players have to guess what they said. This game often goes awry when playing in person, but for a virtual party, it’s easy for that person to just mute their screens and say the phrase. Have each person write down their answer rather than say it aloud for the most fun guesses!
2 Truths & 1 Lie: This one is often a great icebreaker for any gathering and it’s no different for your virtual party. Each person states 2 true things about them and one (believable) lie. Others have to try and guess which one is the lie.
More Virtual Game Ideas
Simon Says: Of course, with this being a virtual party, you’ll want to make sure your list of requests are things that are easily seen or heard to see who’s eliminated from the game. And once a player is out, they have to turn their screens off. Tip: If you have a bigger group of people, it’s a good idea to also have a second person moderating the game.
Would You Rather: It’s pretty simple and ideal for more intimate games. Each person takes turns posing the question of “Would you Rather A or B?” and each person makes their selection. Depending on how outlandish the question is, the game can get pretty funny.
Scattergories: Scattergories is my personal favorite virtual game night game. Only one person needs the game, and everyone else just needs a pen and paper. Share your screen with other participants and have the different category lists typed out in a Word doc or Google spreadsheet. Then, roll the dice to decide the letter, open the list document, set the timer, and play!
Other Games You’ll Love
- Ice Breaker Games for Parties – I love a good party, nothing is better than good food, fun music, and great people. But there is always that little bit of an awkward time when everyone is just arriving and the party has quite kicked off! Don’t let those awkward silences or uncomfortable first meetings ruin your good time. Here are 43 of the most hilarious ice breaker games for parties!
- Bowling Games – I have always been a HUGE fan of a fun bowling night! There is something so nostalgic about hanging out at the bowling alley! There is nothing quite like lacing up those totally uncomfortable shoes, hearing the cracking of pins, and chowing down on those nachos only bowling alleys serve. Ah. I can just imagine it all now! If you’re looking to recreate that bowling fun check out these totally fun and strike worthy bowling party games!
- Amazon Board Games – Ditch the TV and let the games begin! We love a good game night, whether its a game night with the kids, our adult friends, or as a family this list of 25 Best Amazon Board Games make for one FUN game night full of laughs and fun. Now I cannot promise there won’t be a little friendly funding but don’t worry it won’t last long!