Inside: 43 Hilarious Ice Breaker Games for Parties
I love a good party, nothing is better than good food, fun music, and great people. But there is always that little bit of an awkward time when everyone is just arriving and the party has quite kicked off! Don’t let those awkward silences or uncomfortable first meetings ruin your good time. Here are 43 of the most hilarious ice breaker games for parties!
Table of Contents
Quick Ice Breaker Games for Parties
Toss & Talk: This is such a fun ice breaker game! All you need is an inflated ball or beach ball and a permanent marker. Write silly and interesting questions all around the ball. Then all you have to do is throw the ball to each person and whoever catches it has to answer the question that their right index finger lands on.
Would You Rather: If you really want to get to know someone ask them if they would rather have fingers for toes or toes for finger, am I right? Here is a list of some super funny would you rather questions!
Shoe Icebreaker: Have everyone leave one shoe by the door. Redistribute the shoes so everyone has one shoe that doesn’t belong to them. Then tell everyone to find the shoe’s owner and then strike up a 2-minute conversation, preferably about a subject other than shoes.
Fun Fact: Each person just has to say a random fun fact about themselves. There’s a catch- you can’t use the same fact twice! It gets more challenging and more fun the more often you do it.
Ping Pong Shake: This is THE FUNNIEST game ever! Team up and each person straps on an empty tissue box filled with ping pong ball. Each player has to shake what their mama gave them till their tissue box is empty!
Toilet Paper Icebreaker: To play, pass a roll of toilet paper around and have everyone rip off how much they would usually use. Everyone will probably think you’re crazy. When the toilet paper makes it all the way around the circle, have everyone count their squares. The number of squares each person took is the number of fun facts they have to reveal about themselves.
Desert Island: “You’ve been exiled to a deserted island for a year. In addition to the essentials, you may take one piece of music, one book and one luxury item you can carry with you. What would you take and why?’ Each person will go around and share their answers.
Currently: This is a super simple game. You just go through a list of “currently” like “What are you currently thinking about?” or “What are you currently reading?”
Ice Breaker Games for Adults
Two Truths & One Lie: Each person comes up with two truths about themselves and one lie. The object of the game is for everyone to guess which is the lie.
Cookie Face: I love this hilarious ice breaker game for parties. This game is a race, each person grabs a cookie and sets it on their forehead. Using only their face muscles they have to work that cookie all the way to their mouth. The first one to get the cookie to their mouth wins!
The Bowl Game: This is the most hilarious ice breaker game for parties. It is totally one of the best games and one of my all-time favorites.
Charades: I love this classic game. Here is a list of charade items that make for a pretty hilarious ice breaker game for parties!
What’s My Name: Write down the names of well-known public figures on pieces of paper, then stick them on the backs of each person. Everyone will need to mingle and ask each other questions to figure out who they are.
DIY Guess Who: This is a hilarious ice breaker game for parties, it really makes it where everyone gets to know each other really quick!
A Friendly Debate: Start by asking a harmless question that has people choose a side. For example, “Which food is better: Pizza or Tacos?” or “Would you rather go on a hike or go see a movie?” Have everyone physically divide into sides—pro pizza to the right; pro taco to the left. Let all the like-minded people discuss the pros of their side then have a discussion as to why they think their side is better!
Belly Balloon Break: This hilarious ice breaker game for parties is best played with couples! The goal is to try to break a blown up balloon between two bellies. So, blow up a couple of balloons and set the time and get popping!
Games for Teens
Ice Breaker Games for Kids Parties
The M&M Ice Breaker Game
I love playing this M&M ice breaker game. All you need is a small package of M&M’s and this printable!
Each person gets a pack of M&M’s and one by one they grab an M&M from the package. When it’s their turn they have to answer the question that correlates to the color of the M&M.
Red: Something about your childhood. Orange: Something you do well. Yellow: Something you’ve learned. Green: Something you watch/listen too.
Blue: Something you can’t live without. Brown: Something about yesterday.