Inside: Travel Fun Printable License Plate Games.

Road trips are one of my favorite memories growing up. We all packed in the back of my Mom and Dad’s car, bags in the back, snacks in hand, and excitement in the air. One of our favorite road trips was going to a family reunion across the United States. Let me tell ya, it was a LONG car ride! I honestly don’t know how my parents handled it for those few days.

There was a lot of complaining between my siblings and me, but there were also SO MANY fun memories from that time together. Our favorite road trip game was the classic License Plate Game. You know, the one where you would yell out a license plate and punch your siblings arm maybe a little harder than you should have. 😉

Printable License Plate Games

Well, we have put a list together of that fun classic game, without the punching of course! Here is a list of our favorite printable license plate games that are perfect for those long road trips to family vacations, reunions, or visiting friends!

Our Favorite Printable License Plate Games

These fun printable license plate games are cool twists onbthe classic game! They are perfect to print out and play during your travels.

License Plate Trivia: Printable license plate game pages that you can use over and over. These are practical and enjoyable for both kids and adults.

Mickey License Plate Game: Have fun checking different states off the list with Mickey, perfect for long road trips to Disney.

Printable License Plate Games

Find-It Game: This is a great version for the younger lookers.

Make Your Own Path: I love this version. You can pick the states you will be looking for. That way you can plan out your road trip and won’t be looking for west coast plates when you are traveling the east coast!

Color in the State: Color in each state you see a license plate for! Its fun, interactive, and great for passing time during a long road trip.

Keep a Tally: Such a fun version! Keep a tally of how many of each plate you see! This is a good one for younger ones or to do together as a family. Before the road trip starts, you can take a vote of what you will see more of.

FREE License Plate Road Trip Game Printable

We have created the cutest license plate game printable just for YOU!

License plate game printable

How To Play

We like to laminate our printable road trip game. This makes it where we can play multiple times throughout the road trip or on future trips. Grab a dry erase marker and check off each state license plate that you see during your adventure.

Make it a competition by printing out a game for each passenger. The one who checked off the most by the end of the trip wins!

Road Trip License Plate Games

Here are a few more fun variations of spot the license plate game.

Spot the Car: A fun twist of the license plate search, start looking for different types of cars.

Truck Spotting: With long hours on the highway, you are bound to spot tons of different types of trucks.

Road Trip Games

Circle the State: Circle the state that you see the license plate for, try to get all before your destination. Good Luck!

Colored Cars: See how many different colored cars you can see on your long trip.

Spot the License Plate: I love this version because it shows realistic pictures of the plate design. That way younger ones can spot them faster.

More Printable Games You’ll Totally Love

If you like the printable license plate game, then you will totally love these other great printable games:

  • Printable Board Games – Whether it’s game night with the family or helping the little ones learning their rhyming words these 17 Fun Printable Board Games are perfect for all gaming occasions. There is something so simple and fun about playing board games, and with printable board games, you can customize the fun.
  • Printable Family Reunion Games – One of my favorite memories growing up was attending our family reunions! There was something so fun and exciting about seeing family that you knew and loved but were also kinda like strangers. Every few years we would gather together and become reintroduced to our own family. Seeing cousins and getting spoiled by great grandparents was such a joy. We always have fun activities planned and AMAZING food to eat. Check out a few of our favorite printable family reunion games that will make your time just a little extra special.
  • Road Trip Printable Games – We are smack dab in the middle of summer break, and though summer break means lots of family fun and adventure, it also means lots of hours in the car. Road trips, visits to theme parks, weekends at the beach or in the mountains – all of that fun is frequently accompanied by endless hours on the road. And with little ones that can me countless hours of boredom or “Are we there yet” on repeat. But don’t worry with these super fun printable road trip games they will have endless amounts of fun.

Let us know in the comments your favorite road trip.