Inside: 16 Game Night Murder Mystery Party Games.

There is nothing better than a well planned and perfectly thought out murder mystery party. They are so much fun with a group of friends new or old. You can add such a fun twist of fun when you add costumes to the mix, personally I think that is the best what to play.

So gather up your friends, bring on the festive decor, and let’s get ready for a fun game night. Check out our favorite murder mystery party games and let us know y our favorites.

Murder Mystery Party Games

Game Night Murder Mystery Party Games

Sour Grapes of Wrath: This free murder mystery game includes an almost 70-page file that includes planning instructions, party invitations, costume suggestions, name tags, rules, secret clues, maps, accusation sheets, suspect dossiers, and the solution.

A Death in the Cult: This 6 character murder mystery games fit in perfect with a murder mystery dinner party because it breaks the character revelations up by courses. Also included is an example of an invitation to the party.

Murder Mystery Party Games

The Pungent Pumpkin Poisoner: This murder mystery game is for 8-10 people and would especially be perfect around Halloween time. Included in the game is a printable invitation, character descriptions, an outline of the game, and clues.

Poisoning in Buzby’s Nightclub: It’s up to your guests to solve the tragic death of a night club owner who has been poisoned. There is a free script for all the characters as well as an example invitation. This murder mystery game is for 6 players.

Free Murder Mystery Game for Tweens: This free murder mystery game is targeted towards kids who are 10-12 year old but I think it would also work well for an adult murder mystery party. This free kit includes a master plot spreadsheet as well as a list of characters. Each guest has it’s very own printable party invitation as well as instructions. Props including a sign and birth certificate are also included for free.

The Best Group Game Ideas

Murder in the Caribbean: The rich tycoon Charlie Miles has been pushed off his yacht and the murder needs to be solved. This 7-player murder mystery game has scripts for each of the characters.

The Business of Murder: This free murder mystery game is for 7-8 people and will take 2-4 hours to play. This includes every detail you need, host instructions, clues, floor plans, hints, character scripts, invitations, labels, and the solution.

Game Night Ideas

Homicide in the Rock Group: This adults-only murder mystery game is for 8 brave guests who want to solve the death of the heavy metal vocalist Tarantula, who is found stabbed in a swimming pool.

Mad Hatter Murder Mystery Party: This free murder mystery game is for all ages and has a whopping 28 characters. Character descriptions and scripts are included.

Murder in Milan: It’s up to your guests to figure out who killed the famous Milan designer Giuseppe Zanetti. Six characters will receive their bios and scripts to play out this murder mystery.

Murder Mystery Party Games for Everyone

The Little Engine That Could: This free murder mystery game includes parts for 8 players to figure out who murdered a passenger on the express train from India to Portugal. In-depth profiles are included for each character.

Murder at Aldbury Manor: This 7-person murder mystery game involves investigating the death of Lord Strutbury who was pushed off his balcony. Character profiles and scripts are provided for each guest.

Murder Mystery Party Games

Assassination in Hollywood: The winner will be the guest who first figures out who has shot and killed the famous movie star, Jed Manhattan. This 11-person murder mystery game includes everything you need to through the perfect murder mystery dinner or party.

Clue Mystery Party: This is a more laid-back version of a murder mystery game that plays out much like the game of Clue. Free printables are included along with the game.

The Romanian Uranium Mystery: Here’s a very detailed murder mystery game that includes a scripted show as well as improved show that’s set around your dinner party.

Free Murder Mystery Party Plan: This is a free murder mystery game that is extremely flexible to how many guests you have and how involved they want to be in playing the characters.