Inside: The Funniest 50th Birthday Party Games!
Celebrate the big 5-0 in the best way with these funny 50th Birthday Party Games! I love celebrating big milestones in someone’s life from birthdays to weddings, and everything in between there is always a perfect game to bring everyone together to have fun! Check out these totally fun games for the birthday guy or gal!
Table of Contents
The Funniest 50th Birthday Party Games
Over the Hill Fill the Blank: This is a funny play on getting older, although 50 is not old, its fun to poke fun of the birthday boy/gal!
Human Piñata: Just as crazy as it sounds…this game requires one person to act as the piñata full of prizes, with candy and treats taped all over their clothing. But don’t worry, there are no bats/sticks involved 😉 Instead, they’ll run away and try to hide as everyone grabs at the loot!
Birthday Trivia: Find out who knows the birthday boy/gal better with this super fun printable birthday trivia game!
Karaoke Roulette: Ready to jam out on your birthday? A karaoke birthday party does sound like a ton of fun! To play Karaoke Roulette, pick a random song and draw a random name from the list of partygoers. That person’s got to step up and sing their heart out!
How Do You Doo?: Another sing-song birthday party game, this one requires you to sing a tune saying only the word “doo.” Break into teams to see who can guess the most right!
Lie or Truth: Each guest tells a short episode about his life. This can be true or false. The other guests have to guess whether it is a lie or the truth.
Birthday Party Games You’ll Love
The (Not So) Newlywed Game: A spin-off of the classic, the (not so) newlywed game is great for a group of couples. Have each pair answer questions about the other…things like favorites, habits, likes, and dislikes and then do the same for themselves. Then, put them each on the spot to swap answers and see who knows each other the best. It’s always funny to see little squabbles pop up as couples are convinced they answered correctly on behalf of their other half 😉
Hot Seat: Whoever’s in the hot seat gets asked a question and then all the other players answer on their behalf. See how well your birthday party friends know you…or how well they think they do!
Toothless Birthday Song: Gather everyone up in a circle to sing a special Happy Birthday song to the guest of honor. Here’s the catch: everyone has to keep their teeth covered with their lips while they sing. There’s no way everyone will be able to handle the hilarity and somebody’s going to look so ridiculous they’ll make everybody else LOL!
Fish Bowl Game: The Fishbowl Game is a fun-filled memory game that combines Charades, Password and Taboo. It is also an easy game to learn, which means children and adults can play it together. The Fishbowl Game can be played with large groups, which makes it perfect for family get-togethers. It also works well as a school classroom activity or a team building exercise.
Watch Ya Mouth Game: Not sure there’s anything more hilarious than watching someone try to say a funny phrase while wearing a giant mouthpiece. But don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself! This is the funniest birthday party games for adults!
Guess the Price: Before the party, look for popular items that were bought and used the year the guest of honor was born. Print the figures of the objects and paste them on cardboard. Make sure to write on the back of the card what the item cost that year. For larger parties, divide the guests into teams. For smaller parties, let the guests decide if they want to play in pairs or alone. Each person or group will need a pen and a piece of paper. Show the figures to the guests and let them write what they think the object cost that year. Once everyone has written what they believe reveals the real price. The guest with the correct wins.
A Few More 50th Birthday Games
Slip It In: The goal of this game is to slip a funny phrase into normal conversation without anyone noticing. Upon arriving at the party, each guest will receive their assigned phrase. After dropping their line, the slipper has 5 minutes to get called out. If the success in “slipping it in” without anyone noticing, they receive a prize. You could also give out prizes for the most slips if you’ve got a really great group of conversationalists or you could do the biggest loser prize for the person who just can’t get their phrase out without awkwardness or laughter!
Guess the Photo: Each guest brings an old photo of himself. The images are attached to a blackboard and numbered. Now each guest writes on a piece of paper, which can be seen in the photos.
Pass the Orange: Here’s another team birthday party game for adults for you that really packs a punch! Make two lines facing each other. Players at the beginning of each line start with an orange under their chin. On “go,” they’ll have to pass it down to the next person in line without using their hands. It might get juicy but one thing’s for sure, this game’s a toughie!
The Wheel of Fortune: A wheel of fortune brings a lot of fun and joy. Small prices increase the fun factor. This should be fun stuff, a shoelace, an old photo, or a toothbrush, always well prepared for each guest. Of course, the guest may not notice that the prize was already selected in advance for him. Important are the laughs.
Birthday Balderdash: Love me a good game of Balderdash. This birthday version is so much fun because it gives each guest the chance to write down a story about the birthday boy/girl! What a way to share a special memory (or embarrassing moment). Then, the birthday guy/gal gets to guess who wrote it!
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Now let’s party! Let us know in the comments your favorite birthday party game!